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Ajout de la note 5.332A :
Administrations authorizing operation of the amateur and amateur-satellite services in the frequency band 1240-1 300 MHz, or portions thereof, shall ensure that the amateur and amateur-satellite services do not cause harmful interference to radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) receivers in accordance with No. 5.29 (see the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.2164). The authorizing administration, upon receipt of a report of harmful interference caused by a station of the amateur or amateur-satellite services, shall take all necessary steps to rapidly eliminate such interference. (WRC-23)
L’administration autorise l’activité radioamateur sur la bande, à la seule condition de prévenir immédiatement en cas de perturbation. Ca va mieux en le disant mais c’est déjà le cas lorsqu’un utilisateur secondaire perturbe un utilisateur primaire.
3 autres bandes sont concernées par des discussions de la CMR23, sans que cela apporte de modification :
- 2700-3600 MHz
- 10 – 10,7 GHz
- 200 – 248 GHz
Résolutions de la CMR23 qui concernent les radioamateurs :
- 32 p 369 Regulatory procedures for frequency assignments to non-geostationary-satellite networks or systems identified as short-duration mission not subject to the application of Section II of Article 9
- 233 p549 Additional frequency bands identified for International Mobile Telecommunications
- 680 p698 Studies on frequency-related matters, including possible new or modified space research service (space-to-space) allocations, for future development of communications on the lunar surface and between lunar orbit and the lunar surface
- 686 p716 Possible secondary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) in the frequency bands [3 000-3 100 MHz] and [3 300-3 400 MHz]
- 721 p726 Studies on potential new allocations to fixed, mobile, radiolocation, amateur, amateur-satellite, radio astronomy, Earth exploration-satellite (passive and active) and space research (passive) services in the frequency range 275-325 GHz with the consequential update of Nos. 5.149, 5.340, 5.564A and 5.565
Agendas :
- CMR 2027 Res 813 p766 apparemment pas de point particulier pour les radioamateurs
- CMR 2031 Res 814 p771 voir le point 2.1 sur les fréquences 275-325 GHz : 2.1 to consider potential new allocations to the fixed, mobile, radiolocation, amateur,amateur-satellite, radio astronomy, Earth exploration-satellite (passive and active) and space research (passive) services in the frequency range 275-325 GHz in the Table of Frequency Allocations of the Radio Regulations, with the consequential update of Nos. 5.149, 5.340, 5.564A and 5.565, in accordance with Resolution 721 (WRC-23);